Break the Wall!




Fight Tungars on Ferris to obtain 25 Magic Stones. Find offerings in Tungar houses in the Silent Toroses and obtain a tusk of a fierce mammoth. Offer up the gifts on the hill by the lake and return to Herbert de Vevre at the camp.


Your story makes me wonder... Obviously Tep's servants have come here because of these sealed passages. Maybe there is some kind of a secret Imperial base inside? The most obvious guess is usually the right one, but let's not put aside other options. Anything can be behind these walls, even the Tungar "heaven" with its "gods" and "demons".
Speaking of Tungars. Sarang Ashturi has found a description of some kind of ritual in the drawings that you'd brought that can "open up the way to heaven". Maybe this is how the ice passage can be destroyed? I really doubt that Tungar rituals involve some great sorcery, but we saw what their shamans can do. Why not give it a shot?
First we will need some special stones that all Tungars have. They believe that they contain a part of their souls. This belief is involved with their sorcery. We will need a lot of those stones, so get ready for a tough fight. Then you will have to go West, to the Silent Toroses. Find the ritual offerings in one of the Tungar huts. And finally, we will need a mammoth's tusk. These beasts dwell around there, too. Be careful, they are not so easily killed.
Obtain all these things and take them to the Tungar sanctuary - the high hill by the lake. In complete silence, put the offerings on the ground and mentally appeal to the Progenitor. Yes, this is what it says - appeal to the Progenitor. The description is vary vague about the outcome of the ritual. The only thing I could understand is that you will hear "the voice of thunder".
Good luck! And be careful.


We have stocked up on provisions and found backup energy sources. Now we only have to demolish this cursed wall.


So the ritual worked? I must admit I'm surprised. So that mysterious Tungar Progenitor exists, after all. I wonder why he hasn't caused any trouble so far. Huh... I'll take a closer look at that horn.
Well, we are as prepared as we can possibly be under the circumstances. It's time to break the Ice Wall!


Experience: +12775

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