The Wish Granter



Party with 3 other players and persuade them to break the ancient tablets by the sacrificial pedestal in the Kobold caves.


Your investigation confirms all my theories about the "Wish Granter." And, if you'd like, I can share them all with you.
My first theory is that the artifact really does exist! That one is easy. The second one is that to use its power, one must sacrifice three other creatures. Do you think you're up for this?
Good. Go to the kobold caves. It is there where you will find an ancient pedestal for sacrifices. We have to do it exactly like how it was done before. You'll need to find three followers that will agree to break these three ancient tablets.
They absolutely must be in your group! No stragglers, got it? And they can't know what you're about to do. They must be pure.
If you think you're up to this heinous task, then go, gather your sacrifices!


Oh? You found 3 sacrifices?


Ha-ha-ha! Your willingness to trust strangers and your greed has made it easy for my lord to receive three new sources of power. And you, you're a murderer.

But don't fret, here's the reward I promised you. I hope it's worth it.


Experience: +2100

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