The Last Request


Bring Vlad's diary to the Warden of the Past.
  • Passage through the second Wall of Time granted
    (Complete relevant quests on Kirah and see what happens)
  • Access to the Demon Portal gained
    (Complete relevant quests on Kirah and see what happens.)


You've done a lot to preserve and research the Past. I hope you will render me another service.

I'm talking about Vlad's diary. Chronicles mention of him as of a Great Mage, but some researchers believe he was just a watchdog for Nezeb. Anyway, he was an interesting person. If he hadn't been a Great Mage, how come he lived that long? His name was on the list of those saved during the Igsh Cataclysm! His correspondence with Korleone, another ambiguous figure of the Past, is also available. To cut it short, I'm very curious about this habitant of Kirah.

Sooner or later you'll find him. Our employer, known as Gorislav, said so.

I need Vlad's diary. Bring it to me.


Vlad has one unquestionable merit.

He's writing his diary diligently.


Yes, this is his diary. One day you will read it, and I'm sure you will be satisfied!


Experience: +3240

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