Way of the Flame



Pass all trials given by Cliff Master and meet Fire Master on the Ashy Wasteland.
  • First Trial
    (Complete quest: Rumbling Madness.)
  • Second Trial
    (Complete quest: Strength in Patience.)
  • Third Trial
    (Complete quest: Lifeforce.)


Khurr... A sand speck is no dust. A flintstone! Good job... Hasty. Fussy. Dumb. Impatient. But hard. So, a sand speck or a flintstone? I must know...
Hurh... Let's test a send speck. Try it. No hurry. If it succeed, let it meet Brother. He is hasty and hot-headed as well. A flintstone will like him.
Umm... Brother lives far, on Azure atoll. He called me. Why should I? The earth is everywhere.
Humm... Go. I bless you. A fast sand speck, willing to understand the earth better. Will it? It can't go wrong. Go.


Ha ha ha! I knew you'd come!


You cannot extinguish the flame burning in the heart. Ha! The flame that you may help to fan will burn this whole boring world!


Experience: +3100

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