The Ritual in the City



Scatter the Handful of Astral Dust, defeat the Miserable Demon Mage, and report to Puwa the Crafty.


Many people passed through me. Everybody needs Patron's powers.

Here is the place for the ceremony. What's important? Astral should be near. Of course, we could arrange everything on shore. But it has been decided that it is convenient. Mana-station next door. And the mana we have from what? Right! From the Astral. So, here is alright.

Don't worry! Succeed. If you're not going to yawn.

Look what should be done.

You take this here Astral dust and dispel it by wind in a special place. Right after this fence.

Astral winds will blow. Just do not be afraid, stand and wait! Let them... it... blew. And you stay and listen.

Twelve Great Martyrs will begin talking to you. They will check you out and decide who prefers you. What is more suitable to you.

Well, then the most interesting. Astral demon appears to kill you, so you don't get the power. What do you need to do?

Kill the demon. Exactly!

That's all.


If you do everything right you will get the power and power never will be enough!


From now on the power of your Martyr will be with you. You can use Martyr's Salvation ability to restore your strength after combat using drops of mirra that I give you. When you spend all of them, you will be able to buy more from Servants of Light.

Who knows, maybe you will have the honor to get the higher ranks of Patronage and your power will increase.


Experience: +750

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