Northern Outpost



Repel the demonic attack at the northern Imperial Outpost, then use the charm to summon Yasker's twin.


As far as I know, you have already received the Standard and helped Negus Tot to construct a new bomb. You might need both these items later.

For now, I want you to perform a reconnaissance mission for me. There is an outpost to the north of our camp protecting the road to the Big Mine. We have lost contact with its garrison, and I want you to find out what happened. I'm afraid the demons have reached the place. Use the Standard to fight them. Summon my twin when you're done.


Oh my... Looking at this camp is more than enough to make a decision.


My fears came true! The platoon has been destroyed! We won't be able to use this outpost as a base of operations.

Come back to the camp.


Experience: +6360

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