Sapper Investigations



Plant three magical bombs at the first group of demonic portals, then report to Negus Tot.


Here you are! I've been thinking about you all this time. This news of the immortality is incredible!

I look forward to the moment when the Gift of Tensess shows up. The demons attacked all allods at the same time! Does it mean that Tensess is already dead? In this case, maybe we can die already, to find ourselves in this... Purgatory?

No, I'll wait! Even if I resurrect, Yasker will kill me a couple times more. He has become so tough, so imperious! War changes people... He asked me to find a way of destroying the demonic portals. Can you help me?

I've made three bombs operating on three different principles of magic. We need to test them. Place them near the portals and see what happens. We'd better use the first group of portals, they are somewhat larger than the newer ones. They stood there for a long time, so there is a chance that their powers weakened and the bombs will work.

And one more thing. The tests should be performed at different portals to make the results more reliable.


We must survive through this hell and wait for our resurrection...


What? It didn't work?! Yasker will eat me alive with all my prostheses! We must think of something else...


Experience: +7420

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