Holy Pledge

Holy Pledge
Rank: 1
The Paladin makes a Holy Pledge and gains 1 Canon of Light.
Holy Pledge and Pledge of Purity trigger each other's cooldown.
The maximum number of Canons of Light can be increased by 1 for each rank of the Holy Oath Ruby (up to 3).
Canons can only be gained in combat.
Holy Pledge
Rank: 2
The Paladin makes a Holy Pledge and gains 1 Canon of Light.
Holy Pledge and Pledge of Purity trigger each other's cooldown.
The maximum number of Canons of Light can be increased by 1 for each rank of the Holy Oath Ruby (up to 3).
Canons can only be gained in combat.
Holy Pledge
Rank: 3
The Paladin makes a Holy Pledge and gains 1 Canon of Light.
Holy Pledge and Pledge of Purity trigger each other's cooldown.
The maximum number of Canons of Light can be increased by 1 for each rank of the Holy Oath Ruby (up to 3).
Canons can only be gained in combat.


Holy Pledge
Creates Canons of Light.

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