
Rank: 1
The Bard's song dispels a random negative magic effect from all party or raid members within 40 yards and grants immunity to slowing and immobilizing effects for 5 seconds.
If a magic effect is successfully removed, it applies Acceleration that increases Speed by YY for XX seconds.
Also applies Extraction which dispels another random negative magic effect every NN seconds for the next 4 seconds.
Rank: 2
The Bard's song dispels a random negative magic effect from all party or raid members within 40 yards and grants immunity to slowing and immobilizing effects for 5 seconds.
If a magic effect is successfully removed, it applies Acceleration that increases Speed by YY for XX seconds.
Also applies Extraction which dispels another random negative magic effect every NN seconds for the next 4 seconds.
Rank: 3
The Bard's song dispels a random negative magic effect from all party or raid members within 40 yards and grants immunity to slowing and immobilizing effects for 5 seconds.
If a magic effect is successfully removed, it applies Acceleration that increases Speed by YY for XX seconds.
Also applies Extraction which dispels another random negative magic effect every NN seconds for the next 4 seconds.

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