Melusine's Diamond Mirror


  • Max stack size: 1
Melusine's Diamond Mirror
This item binds when picked up
Item level: 5
A powerful artifact that grants you the following ability:
If your health drops below 40%, you will gain an effect that increases incoming healing and cast speed while reducing the cooldown of abilities by XX% for 6 seconds. Can be triggered once every 60 seconds.
The effects of identical artifacts do not stack (regardless of the rank).
Heroes' Artifact Works only in adventures.
Melusine had the ability to predict the future. Any water could tell her what was, what is, and what will be. But her most powerful artifact was her Diamond Mirror which allowed her to see all the weaknesses of her enemies as soon as they harmed her in any way. The lady of the waters had her revenge shortly after.
Disappears in: 30d.

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