Radiant Strongbox of the Mentor


  • Max stack size: 1000
Radiant Strongbox of the Mentor
Open this strongbox to receive a special prize!
Parts of an ancient tome contained in this Strongbox will permanently increase your stats by up to 275 points.
In this strongbox you may find the following scrolls:
Paragraph from the Study of Perfection;
Page from the Study of Perfection;
Chapter from the Study of Perfection;
The Study of Perfection;
Apocrypha of Perfection;
Epigraph to the Study of Perfection;
Seal of Perfection;
Essence of Perfection.
You also have a chance to receive pets: Mini-Titan, Mini-Spinner, and Mechanic Scarab.
Each time you open a Strongbox, you receive a Collector's Coin. Talk to D2 Golem at the Boutique Headquarters to trade these coins for valuable items.
Can be used by characters of any level.
Hurry, this is a limited-time offer!
Consumed after use.
Goods from the Boutique.
Disappears in: 90d.
Amount: 1/1000
Radiant Strongbox of the Mentor
Open this strongbox to receive a special prize!
Parts of an ancient tome contained in this Strongbox will permanently increase your stats by up to 275 points.
In this strongbox you may find the following scrolls:
Paragraph from the Study of Perfection;
Page from the Study of Perfection;
Chapter from the Study of Perfection;
The Study of Perfection;
Apocrypha of Perfection;
Epigraph to the Study of Perfection;
Seal of Perfection;
Essence of Perfection.
You also have a chance to receive pets: Mini-Titan, Mini-Spinner, and Mechanic Scarab.
Each time you open a Strongbox, you receive a Collector's Coin. Talk to D2 Golem at the Boutique Headquarters to trade these coins for valuable items.
Can be used by characters of any level.
Hurry, this is a limited-time offer!
Consumed after use.
Goods from the Boutique.
Disappears in: 90d.
Amount: 1/1000

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