Upgrade Project XI


  • Max stack size: 1
Upgrade Project XI
Required level: 4
This core will increase the stats of your adaptive shell to normal and increase the number of augmentation slots to two without changing its level or rank.
You must have a basic or upgraded adaptive shell in your Stable to upgrade it.
Press J to open the Stable interface and summon the adaptive shell.
Upgrade will reset all existing augmentations and the module.
Consumed after use.
Goods from the Boutique.
Upgrade Project XI
Required level: 4
This core will increase the stats of your adaptive shell to normal and increase the number of augmentation slots to two without changing its level or rank.
You must have a basic or upgraded adaptive shell in your Stable to upgrade it.
Press J to open the Stable interface and summon the adaptive shell.
Upgrade will reset all existing augmentations and the module.
Consumed after use.
Goods from the Boutique.

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