Shiny Baubles



Obtain 10 uncut gems by fighting with the Draconids on Draconid Island, and return to the Holdfast the Honest on the dock of the Master's Citadel.
  • Ask to open the portal
    (To get to the Draconid Island, you need to talk to the Master's Voice and enter the portal that will open next to it.)


Psst. We need to talk.
I hear you are looking for astralium? We're selling it.
So. We saw those scaly beasts there with the guys, the dragons. Beasts in all senses of the word, stupid and fierce, almost like my sidekicks! Only my sidekicks realize that the baubles that the dragons attach to themselves can turn into hard cash in the right hands. And I have the right hands, and money is tight at the moment, like always. So I will offer you a deal - bring me these baubles - let's say ten of them. I will pick out the most valuables ones and get a good price from a local dealer. But I won't share it with you, so don't count on it! You will get more than enough Astralium, which we obtained in an unequal battle, I mean - in an honest rescue operation.


Well, how did it go? Time is money!


So, these are the baubles! They are so small and unremarkable... From far off they looked alright, they seemed expensive. Fine, a deal is a deal, I will find a use even for these unremarkable items. Take your Astralium and remember - we are honest traders, we do not cheat our business partners!


Experience: +1475

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