Lesson Two: Combining Runes




Use the Rune Welder to combine 2 runes in your bag and report to the Semer Nemar.
  • Rune Welder purchased
  • Runes combined
    (To combine the runes, go to the Boutique tab in your bag, select the Rune Welder and use it on a level 1 rune.<br>To get the combining process started, you need to have 2 level 1 runes in your bag and a sufficient supply of gold dust and crystal chips.)


The next lesson is about combining runes. For this lesson you will need to purchase the Rune Welder from my shop to combine two runes using gold dust and crystal chips. And as I'm sure you're already aware, I've rewarded you with the crystal chips and gold dust from our second lesson.

Use you rune welder to fuse two runes together to create a more powerful one. But remember to unpack your crystal chips. Go on, it's simple, really.


Did you fail your first attempt? Play around with it more, it isn't too hard.


Now that wasn't so hard was it? Good work, your lesson is now complete.



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