On Infinity’s Trail



Go to the past and find the imperial research ship, Infinity.
  • Enter the Whirlpool and Travel to the Past
  • Beat Back the Astral Demon Attack 6/6
  • Discuss the Situation with the Captain
    (Captain Eudoxus is in the Navigator's control room right next to the visor. The visor can be found on the bow of the ship, right above the helm.)
  • Install a Temporal Inverter on the Artillery
  • Open an Astral Wormhole Using the Artillery


I'd like to refresh some ground rules: you can't change meaningful events of the past that affected lives of many people. I'm speaking about the events that can be defined as turning points.
We mustn't change the course of history. We just need a very light disturbance. I'm afraid, you will have to face resistance.
To return, you will need the temporal inverter. I'll give it to you. As to the powerful energy source to activate it... I can't give you any. You'll have to find one yourself.
Here's the most important thing. Whatever you discover on that ship, remember, your mission is to find out what happened. Don't take any dangerous items or creatures with you into the future this time. Not even if someone really wants it!


I have goosebumps... we’re in the past!


Incredible! This is the first temporal inverter wormhole discovery in history!
Look, Stormbringer, that ship over there... I’m sure it’s Infinity!


Experience: +70300

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