The Ritual in the Witches' Circle



Perform the ritual in the witches' circle and report to Luchezar Popov.


Oh, fine, I'll tell you the whole story - I wouldn't have been able to do this without you anyway. The thing is - I was once a servant of that Kramolsky and his mother, but I left them long ago.

The old woman has hidden herself deep in the woods and I don't like the things she's doing out there, not one bit. However, when I was young, I learned many things from her, sometimes without even understanding what they truly were. I've thought about replicating one of her rituals for a long time now so I can speak with the ghosts.

Since you and Luchezar are doing the same thing, I'm going to help you with your ritual. It'll be better this way - freeing Darkwater from this curse is no joke.

You must perform the ritual in the witches' circle that lies deep in the Werebear Grove. There's a tiny island between the streams with a pile of stones on it. Touch the central stone to summon the evil spirits, and do your best to defeat them.

Good luck! I hope you won't bear any ill will towards me if anything goes wrong.


The witches circle is a good place for a ritual since it's far from the village and people. What won't I do to save Darkwater. May the healing Light deliver us all!


I can feel that patches of light have started showing through the clouds over Darkwater. It's about time! Now you'll be able to communicate with the ghost when you meet with it again. And this will happen soon - I have no doubt.


Experience: +2100
  • +500 reputation points with Kanians

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