Victory Parade!



Complete 5 daily quests "War Veterans" and return to Maya Styagina.
  • 5 "War Veterans" quests completed 5/5


Good afternoon, citizen! I congratulate you on May Holidays and remind you that soon the Empire's national celebration will take place - the Victory Parade! What do you mean, you didn't know?
Then listen up. By the Imperial edict of Yasker, a ceremonial march is to be organized in the streets of Nezebgrad. The participants of the parade - both resigned and active - will ride the best stallions of the Empire. They will be accompanied by war machinery - old models as well as new ones.
Also, those who help organize the event, will be able to participate, too! Are you interested? I'm not asking for much - you will find pleasure in completing my request yourself. I will tell you more, if you wish.


Even little help will get you into the ranks of the Parade. But those who will put in great efforts, will be allowed to take the best spots!


Outstanding! You have surely put in enough efforts to earn one of the best positions in the Parade ranks. Though if you complete all of my quests before the day of the Parade, you will be granted the honor to ride a snow-white stallion in the lead! It is a very rare horse indeed.
Ah, I almost forgot to congratulate you. May your will be strong and your ally's shoulder never fail you! May no beast withstand your onslaught and most powerful enemy flee at the sight of you!



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