


Take part in ten 6x6 rating combats and report to Gaal-Bran the Gloomy in Novograd or Slap the Furious in Yasker’s Tower.
You must complete this quest to keep your rating!
If you fail to complete this quest, your rating will decrease at 5:00 server time.
  • 6x6 combats participated in 10/10


Want to warm up? Welcome to the arena - its gates are open day and night. Gather your allies and fight for glory!
Once you participate in 10 combats, come back to me. Young fighters are less enthusiastic about fighting these days. They are hungry for gold and gems... But keep in mind that the true value of a good battle is to keep your body and mind strong! Gems come and go, but glory lives forever!
So fight for honor and glory!


So, how is our champion doing?


I can see that you enjoyed yourself in our arenas! It was a good fight. Keep rejoicing in your victories and learn from your defeats! As we say on Howlem, what does not kill you... may kill you next time!
Here is your reward, friend. See you next week!



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