The Contemporary History of Sarnaut



Read fragments of Mark Staritsyn's chronicle of the last several years.
  • Talk to Mark Staritsyn to read the fragments of "The Contemporary History of Sarnaut"


Oh, it's you! How do you do? Are you going to tell me something exciting? No? That's a shame. Frankly, I got used to strange things happening to you. Things that change the world! I feel so honored that you tell me everything! It makes me see things from a different prospective, which is very good for my job.
You see, I started writing a book. One may call it a scientific work. It is called "The Contemporary History of Sarnaut". It's a chronicle of all important events of the last years. I've got several chapters describing your adventures!
If you want, you can take a look at my drafts. Writing a book is not an easy thing to do!


I don't know what made me think I could carry out such an ambitious project. It will take me more than a lifetime to finish this book!


What? A typewriter? No, I don't think so. True inspiration only comes when you are holding a dip pen, and there is a blank sheet of paper and an inkpot on the desk in front of you. What if everyone starts using typewriters? What if some elven invention replaces books and paper? No, no, this is absolutely unacceptable.
Alright, thank you for your attention. You are obviously in a hurry, and I need to retreat to my solitude and a cup of fine coffee from Suslanger.

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