Free Flight



Visit any allod in the Mysterious Astral.
  • Fly out into the Astral
    (Go to Astral Hangar, summon the ship and pull the lever)
  • Use Astrolabe to jump
    (Open Astral map, click the Astrolabe icon and then click any available sector)
  • Find an Astral allod
    (Use the stern scanner to search for allods.)
  • Trace route to the allod
    (Press "Trace Route" and memorize the order of vortexes.)
  • Take the helm
    (The control room is in the front part of the lower deck)
  • Reach the allod
    (Get to the allod by the hub map.)


Congrats, cap! Can't wait to go out to the Astral? Here's my advice for you then.
If you know for sure which sector exactly you want to go to, you don't have to travel all across the Astral. You may simply use an Astrolabe to jump directly there. Gather your friends on board, open your Astral map, switch on the Astrolabe and select a sector. Voila, you're there in one easy hop!
Next, go to the stern to the scanner - it's going to be your most often used device. You'll take your chance to learn all about its functions later. For now, you only need two of them. Oh, and bear in mind that using the scanner takes Astral emanations! If you run out of them, kill two or three demons.
So, you're at the scanner. Press "Scan for Small Allods", and you the allod, if it is in the given sector. Press "Route Tracing" to find a route to the allod, and you'll see a chain of regions, connected with lines of colors. Make sure to remember well the consequence of colors! Now you may return to the steering wheel.
Vortex connect regions. They are marked with one of the three colors: red, blue or green. The link shown on the scanner has the same color as the corresponding vortex. The route is usually put down like "blue-red-green-blue". Make your way from one vortex to another, until you see the allod that you need. Basically, that's all. Fly safely!


You better watch out when you're out there, in the Astral! It has no pity for the weak!


How was your flight? Did you have good loot? We must have a party now!

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