The Document Bonfire



Collect 10 OMUT Division Reports and bring them to Yaver Sitamun.


Ah! At last someone has come to our aid! The portals are down and there's no way to escape the allod! We're doomed! Phew, let me catch my breath and I'll explain everything.

Alright, listen up. They came here on an Astral ship, landing on the northern shore. They summoned up fire elementals and set them on us! Some of our lab workers died... but the worst of it all is that our archives were destroyed! Razed to the ground!

I can't believe we lost decades worth of our blood, sweat, and tears, everything we've ever learned about Tep! Oh, almighty Astral... Who are "they"? Tep cultists, of course! Who else?!

We tried to save some of the archives as we escaped, but we didn't get many. There are still tons of reports scattered throughout the allod. Find them and bring them to me. Any scrap of paper you find may help us to reconstruct our archives.

Make sure you steer clear of those fire elementals. They're the ones burning down our tomes and manuscripts, destroying all of our departments' achievements! They're terrible creatures!


I would go collect some myself, but what can a humble researcher do against a fire elemental?


The reports have been saved! Oh, thank you so much! Here, take this reward.


Experience: +1560
  • +500 reputation points with Arisen

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