Flour Delivery



Gather a Sack of Flour and deliver it to Vlad Mikhailov.


Hey, you there! C'mere. Look, my back is killing me but someone has to take this flour back to the mill for storage.

I bet you could knock out a bear with one punch! You can carry one measly bag of flour to the mill, can't ya? What am I saying? Of course you can!

The bags are on the ground right behind me. Just pick one up and deliver it to Vlad Mikhailov, the miller. He'll be sure to reward you.


Hey! What are you doing with my flour?!


Konstantin Mukhov sent you? That lazy ass! He should be bringing these sacks over here himself. What am I paying him for? Here, take this - they're his wages for today. You should be the one to get them.


Experience: +170

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