Fair heat breaks no bones




With the key to the bathhouse, enter inside and steam with the help of the bathhouse twig-bunch of 6 League veterans.


So, off to the steam bath?

I'll be glad to let you in but you see...

While you were away, a whole militia group has arrived. From the Holy Land, meaning from the very front line. All wounded and tired... Steam bath is the best treatment for them. It'll heal them like no magic-shmagic would. Sure thing! Fair heat breaks no bones!

Listen, why don't you help me? I can't do it all by myself... I'll give you the key and a flag broom. You go right in and use the broom on our veterans. But spare no pains! They'll like it!


A, a nice hot bath! What could be better?

As we say in Kania - "Taking a good steam bath is like being reborn!"


So, enjoyed the steam bath?

Let me be honest with you, I'm the happiest man alive! I do what I love to do, I bring joy and health to people!


Experience: +380

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