Hides for Diamondev



Collect 7 Wolf Hides and 7 Boar Hides for Rada Svetlova.


Hey, you can help me! Ever heard of the Bare Minimum Trading Post?

It's a very reputable organization! A monopoly, so to speak! They're always trying to take everyone's business. Give them a little time and even the Steeler Weapons Guild might give in.

So, what does a sensible Kanian do in this situation? That's right - he keeps his nose to the wind. That's why I decided to join the crew - I like being with winners.

I'm on my seventh investment now and they're looking for animal hides. Can you help?

Boars and wolves will do - you can find them in the birch forest to the south of here. But finding them ain't the problem - skinning them is. Rest assured that I will have a reward ready for you - the best potions I've got! And maybe even a little something extra too.


Where are my hides? The deadline to make the deposit is close!


Excellent! Two rewards, as promised. The first is a potion I made myself.

And the second one is - you can join our crew! The member's fee you have to make, the "bare minimum," is not hides or even precious stones - its people! You bring ten more crew members with you, and then a portion of their fees will be yours. So, first you bring ten friends, they brings their friends... a few more hundred people and you'll be rich! C'mon, join us! Are you gonna sign up?

Ah, that's a shame... You're missing out on an opportunity of a lifetime!


Experience: +760

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