Subterranean Thunder



Destroy a Keeper using a thunderstone, and signal Kirill Pryatkin with the signal lamp.
  • (Use the signal lamp to summon Kirill Pryatkin)
  • (The Keeper is very easily killed by using a Thunderstone in combat)
  • Wormfaces' Teleport used
    (Leave the cave by using the wormfaces' teleport on the bottom floor)


These days it's the Keepers that pose the greatest threat to us. If you kill enough Keepers, other wormfaces will be disorganized and won't put up much of a resistance. But there's a problem: killing a Keeper is far from easy.

However, there's a way. This thunderstone here. Its flare can literally burn the Keeper's eyes out, since they're only used to subterranean darkness. And then you should have no trouble killing him!

I'll give you a signal lamp. It has a very narrow beam that can hardly be seen from a distance. If you need me, give me a signal by flashing the light three times


I saw an explosion in the depths of the cave and heard sounds of battle. Is the Keeper dead?


Hehehe, I bet the Keeper can now be swept into a dustpan and kept in a fist-size box, right? Great!
And he had this bottle with acid on him? Don't be in a rush to thrash it. I reckon we can use any information, technology, weapons and materials used by wormfaces in this war.


Experience: +4275

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