Tactical Containment



Destroy 10 Keepers using thunderstones and return to the Keeper of Wisdom at the Master's Citadel.
  • (The Keepers are easily killed by using a Thunderstone against them. This quest will be easier to complete if you collect 10 Thunderstones before challenging the Keepers in the Wormface Cave.)


Unfortunately, you weren't able to destroy all the Keepers the last time around. And I don't have to tell you that these fellas and their psionic abilities pose a significant threat to Citadel inhabitants. If you manage to destroy another ten Keepers or so, that will be a crushing blow to the wormfaces, and I highly doubt they'll risk attacking the Citadel.

In case you've forgotten, I'll remind you that you need a thunderstone to kill a Keeper. You can find the stones on draconid sorcerers and draconid healers on Draconid Island.

Go get the stones and have fun blowing everything to smithereens! The more we rough up the enemy here, the less of them we'll see at the Frontier!


I heard explosions in the depths of the cave. Are the Keepers dead?


Hehehe, judging by the racket, I bet the Keeper can now be swept into a dustpan and kept in a fist-size box, right? Great!

And the acid on them may just prove useful. Don't be in a rush to thrash it.



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