Panic Mongers




Use the Scroll of Soothing Thoughts to calm 5 Panicked Workers.


So I now have the run of you? By the Astral, I never thought they'd send a real agent to help little old me. I'd have made some preparations if I had known, devised a dangerous mission for you or something. Wait...

There is a problem! When the rebels attacked, most of our workers got so frightened that they scattered all over the shipyard. If it was my Gibberling crew we could've coped with the enemy without the guards but you can't expect anything from those Kanian peasants, especially since there were psionicists among the attackers. They're right over there - I chose not to send them to the prison. They're some of ours after all - Gibberlings. They just got involved in the wrong crowd - they're young and stupid. No reason to ruin their lives. Besides, they've already shown repentance. They've made a scroll to be used for removing their spell. Take that scroll all over the shipyard and set these peasants right.


Oh, what are we to do?! The work has stopped, the workers are running around in a panic, and the Empire's ships are out on the Astral Sea as we speak!


Atta boy! The loafers are back to work. Hammers knocking, cables creaking... Soon enough a new ship will be launched and sail towards the unknown.

"We be three Astral wayfarers..."


Experience: +840

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