Nature is the Core of Science



Use the Brainwave Reader to collect 12 Mental Copies for Bernard de Blizare.


The purpose of my stay here is to upgrade the Astral ships. I have managed to use snake skin to stabilize the power supply to the reactor, providing for an output-input ratio increase of point seven percent. Boar intestines were a great solution to develop a compact and reliable latrine system.

Yes, indeed, I prefer to use natural resources. I take a position close to that of the druids - nature has already invented everything, we only need to find the way to adapt it to our needs.

I'm occupied with studying bats right now. These animals are able to find their way in darkness and maybe that can be a solution for ship navigation during Astral storms.

I use a special apparatus to study this natural phenomena - I call it the Brainwave Reader. I use it on the target creature from afar to retain a mental copy of the creature as it was before the time of death, in a natural state, rather than under stress. Then it must be killed to fully extract the copy.

These steps must be performed in the correct order to maintain the validity of the experiment. Go to the coast and collect twelve mental copies for me, but remember to use the Brainwave Reader on them before you fight them!


My research has been delayed! And it's all because of your sluggishness!


Very well. I will start my research immediately. There must be a way for our ships to navigate through a storm.

Here's your reward. Take it, take it, there's a whole lot more where that came from!


Experience: +840

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