The Merry Widow



Tell the innkeeper, Maya Korchakova, about the new gentleman caller.


I beg your pardon and all that... and I don't even know how to put it. I guess I'll just say it and hope it comes out sounding alright.

Now then, I've heard that you happen to be helping the innkeeper with a certain... er, delicate matter. The concern she had about her... About her marital status, you know.

I'll soon return to the capital since the war is over. I'm going to visit her, have a couple of drinks and, you know, look at her and let her look at me. Perhaps we could, you know...

If you happen to be going in that direction, tell her to get ready. Say "there's a real man coming to comfort the poor widow." Tell her to not make plans with anyone and wait for the real man instead. I'm not one who permits any lechery in my family, you tell her that.




What did you say? And what does he look like? Stately? Oh, I've got to cancel all the appointments now. That's simply dabbling, while this is serious. Got to prepare for the wedding. Why not? The war is over, life goes on!

And this is a present from me, for bringing the good news.


Experience: +840

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