The Climb



Climb to the top of the stone giant to talk to the chief, Talon.


You have the nerve to challenge our clan?! Not even an Orc is worthy of climbing up our scared path and only one stranger proved himself capable of doing it. I never thought I'd ever see anything like that again!

But the law is the law! You must climb the path all the way to the top of the stone giant and speak with our chief. And each guardian of the path, each and every one of them will want nothing more than to throw you off the cliff! And you better pray to all your gods to grant you a swift death, because if you fall, you will fall into in my hands and then the death of each tiger will be paid for by one hundred fold with wounds on your scrawny body!


Who are you, insignificant insect?


Get out of here while you're still alive! I, Talon, did not capture the power in this clan just so I could talk to every little bug that manages to climb up here!

Run, you pitiful little gnat! Run, before I dump you into Vertush!


Experience: +1150

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