The Ermolai Affair




Defeat Talon, retrieve Ermolai's sword and report to the elders of Gravestein.


Ermolai was the first human to climb this peak, offering peace to the Orcs. He is a friend to the Tiger Clan, but we hadn't heard anything more about him until Talon showed up.

He said that Ermolai had been killed and that now all humans have to die and that the Gibberlings and Elves had to go with them. He defeated our chief, so we had to obey him. It's true that he's an Orc, but he is also an alien who doesn't respect our laws.

You can set things right again. You can defeat him, take Ermolai's sword from him and let us live according to our long established traditions. Your appearance at the peak is a sign that Ermolai's cause continues.

When you're victorious, return to your people and tell them that the tiger clan is true to their word.


Orcs, waterfolk, and the undead. With neighbors like those it's hard to feel safe.


So now we have Ermolai's sword - the Claw did not lie, this is his weapon. It's too bad that we didn't manage to learn anything more, but your courage saved us from a heap of trouble.

If that maniac the Claw remained at the head of the Tiger Clan, who knows what he might have come up with tomorrow! I hope their new chief will be more reasonable and benign. And as for you - please accept this weapon from me as a sign of gratitude.


Experience: +1150

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