The Haunted Stones



Find four “haunted stones," examine them, and report back to Maria Rosinova in the Settlement.


There are many mysteries left in Darkwater that we have yet to uncover! Forests, and swamps, and... and forests, and swamps!
Do you want to know our land better? I can help. All we need to find are haunted stones, which lie in the most beautiful places. There are four of them. Touch them, take in their energy, and then come back and tell me all about it! Thirst for knowledge deserves a good reward, right?
Where are they? Remember, I won't say it twice.
I want you to go find these stones in the Astral Bay, Rookmore, Werebear Grove, and the Fusty Bog.


Have you seen them yet? They're in the four corners of Darkwater!


Well? What did you think?

It's really strange, right? They even disappear after you've touched them!


Experience: +1120

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