Veteran's Alliance



Kill 12 Wicked Demon Mages and report to Svarog Linev.


It's a real pity that our leaders refuse to realize that the League and the Empire need to join forces in the fight against the demons and their minions. Just look at those demon bastards and their cultist buddies!

They've already got a city here on Yazes Shard, and it won't be long before they branch out to obliterate all living creatures throughout what's left of our world. I killed a demon scout myself just the other day, now it's your turn. Kill a dozen or so demons at the Demonic Gate and report back to the League camp.


Did you find Lukov? Where is he? Tell me he's not dead!


So, Maxim was captured by Imperial troops. While that's not exactly good news, our friends from the United Array will not stand by and allow him to be executed.

What's the United Array, you ask? Well, I'll tell you!

When it became clear that the remaining allods were once more threatened by a demon invasion, veterans from both the League and the Empire decided to join forces. It's mad that our nations continue their petty fighting when our world is about to be swarmed by the demon spawn! And many old-school warriors, myself included, couldn't sit back and watch the madness continue.

This is how the United Array was born!


Experience: +12985

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