The Vampire Chronicles



Take the Diary of Vamp de Desirae to Marguerite de Desirae in Summer Manor.


The diary of Vamp de Desirae, what an interesting read... The diary tells the story of Vamp meeting an Elf who later attacked and bit him. After that, Vamp began suffering from strange symptoms - a fear of light, constant thirst for blood, aggressive drive and growing fangs...

This document must be taken to Marguerite de Desirae at once! She must see this! This could explain a lot of the strange behavior that's been happening in Tenebra lately.


What's this? Hm... Interesting... The twilight creatures who attacked us behaved just like the diary describes. They sought our blood! Can it really be that these sentient beings act just like animals?

Poor Vamp! He paid for this discovery with his blood! That is another matter for the consideration of the Council. I wonder who that Elf was... the one that bit my counselor?


Experience: +1860
  • +250 reputation points with Elves

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