Field Testing



Kill the creatures of darkness by using the holy water, the lamia weapon, and the wooden stake. Inform Frederic de Ardeur of the outcome.


It's time to test the weapons. We need to find out which of the three is more effective against the spawn of darkness.

Let's do this - there is a lantern next to it that guards against darkness. So go to the chapel and extinguish the lantern. Hopefully by doing that, some sort of Astral mutant will appear and you must fight him using the water, the silver lamia weapon, and the wooden stake. It might be a bat, a rat, or maybe even one of the fallen Elves, the "vampires", will grace you with their presence. But whatever it is isn't important.

What matters is finding a weapon against to use against the darkness. I shall pray for you, Oh Warrior of Tensess!


Holy Tensess, you see that the darkness has enveloped our allod and we are confused. Send us a sign... Who's there? I was expecting a sign and got you instead! Did you test the weapons?


I'm surprised... Though, I shouldn't have doubted the wooden stakes. They may be primitive but they're certainly effective. Oh, Tensess, have mercy on your poor servant and guide him to the path of righteousness!

So, we'll use the stakes to fight the spawn of darkness, be they snakes, spiders, or Elves!


Experience: +2325
  • +250 reputation points with Elves

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