An Epiphany



Find Peter Selyaninov at Zoloi Outpost.


What's happening?! It's like I've woken up from a dream... Why are you looking at me like that? Oh! I did some things... It was like I wasn't myself... Have you heard any news from Zoloi Outpost? Satyrs? What satyrs?! Zoloi Outpost is our main objective right now!

The First Tensess Chapel is a sacred place of worship for pilgrims who flock there from all over Sarnaut. There's a good reason for that, too!

You see, a League ship was once outnumbered and defeated near there by Imperial forces. Tensess' Gift already existed at the time, but few knew about it. After their heroic deaths they found themselves at this graveyard, shocked at their revival. They probably asked themselves what strange force had intervened...

At the time they could not come up with the right answer. However, because this is the first place where people were reborn with Tensess' Gift it is considered sacred by the Church.

A unit of my boys were guarding the post and protecting the pilgrims. Lately there have been all kinds of strange rumors. My nephew had just been promoted to centurion, so I sent him there to find out what's going on.

As you can see, he hasn't come back yet and I haven't heard any word from the Outpost. I'm not ordering you, I'm asking you... please go find him as soon as possible!


A young centurion's corpse... It looks like this is Mikhail Selyaninov's nephew who was sent to Zoloi Outpost...


Experience: +5700

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