No Longer a Luxury



Get permission from three high-ranking officials of Nezebgrad and talk to Major of the Imperial Sentinels Oleg Pravdin.


Hm... Soon you have to go to Holy Land. There you will badly need good weapon. Otherwise... you are doomed!

Pity, that it takes long to get good weapon. Your can take a queue and wait. Long. Or you may go another way.

Some people who have done a lot to the Empire use to get the Ceremonial Dagger from Yasker's hands! You may get it also, if you win favor of high-ranking officials of Empire, who will sign the application about your priority of gaining it.

Remember those to whom you should speak.

Yuri Kavelin, Overseer of the Imperial Artisans. Yasskul Isis, the Research Institute director. And Oko the Righteous, Colonel of the Imperial Sentinels.

Everyone should give you a permission. When you have all three, return to me.


It is an honor to get the Ceremonial Dagger.

Imagine, you are walking in Nezebgrad and showing off. Everybody is smiling and waving to you. Because they know: only heroes can get such weapon.


Got all three permissions?

From one hand it's good news. From the other hand, it's ill news.

Let me explain.


Experience: +1550

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