Undead on the Loose



Kill 6 Cemetery Zombies and 10 Skeleton Rippers in the Tipsy Thicket and return to the Eljune Bazaar.


Well, I don't mind if we work together once more.

Before you came along we hired a necromancer, a jolly good fellow who promised he'd purge the forest of every last mantis.

Guess what actually happened - he summoned a bunch of skeletons, but we didn't notice any real improvements. In fact, soon it got even more dangerous, and then this hack got killed off in the local pub. His undead assistants are now at large, roaming the Tipsy Thicket. They've gotten real bad lately, attacking every living thing they see. It even seems like there's more of them somehow... In any case, make them stop, would you?


I might have put a knife in that necromancer myself for being so stupid!


Excellent! Now it should be more peaceful at the tavern. Can you believe that before these animals came from the west, my main chore consisted of picking up drunken Traders from all over the forest. Those were the days!


Experience: +1520

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