Protecting the Bazaar



Kill 12 Mantis Warriors and 12 Ravenous Plants and return to Stone the Merciless.


I ain't seen your mug 'round here... Got a pass? You're with the Imperial Army? Alright, better safe than sorry in these areas. I'm with the mercenaries that protect the Traders. They're wimps, can't do nothin' except count coins. That they do well - gotta give 'em that.

There's been so much for the mercenaries to deal with lately - the war, gangs of deserters, wild animals... The animals have gone nuts, ya know! They jus' keep comin' and comin' down here from the west.

The other day we took out some bears for tearing up our fence. Now you ain't gonna see too much of 'em in these parts! Now those mantis and the carnivorous plants, they're stronger and smarter too. So if you wanna help our camp out, go hunt them.


When will these creatures stop flooding the east?


Great! I'll let the Traders know they don't have to keep inside the palisade. For a while anyway...


Experience: +1520

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