Wolves in the Forest



Kill 10 Silver Wolves and their three pack leaders and return to Stone the Merciless.


Several huge wolves were recently spotted in the Merry Forest, to the north of this encampment here. More of those furry out-of-towners that we've been getting, curse them!

The war means that there are heaps of dead bodies lying around in the forest - too many to bury them all. The wolves seem to enjoy scavenging on their rotting meat. Now that's some gross stuff! And there's also a very strategic place located in the Merry Forest - the Forest Butterfly, and we can't have them threatened by the wolves.

We need to teach those beasts to keep their distance! Naturally, they attack in packs, so we should primarily target their pack leaders. Kill the alpha male and his two mates. Then the others will most likely run away with their tails between their legs. Now off you go!


The wolves in the Merry Forest howl so loud at night that the whole camp can hear them. You open your eyes, curse them out, and that's it - there's no going back to sleep.


The pack leaders are all dead? Good job! Now the others will clear off soon enough!


Experience: +1520

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