The Treants' Curse



Collect 3 Cursed Rune Fragments from the Cursed Treants and return to Zosim Nikulin.


Next you must bring me a rune. One that has been imbued with the magic of the Light and can be considered truly blessed. The runes are very rare indeed. In fact, even I have only found a few.

However, I think I know a way that I can create a Blessed Rune if you're not able to find one by other means. It'll be fairly dangerous, but I'm sure that if you manage to gather a few friends willing to help, you will be able to succeed.

Long ago I helped to bless many of the treants in this forest. They were to be the guardians of Eljune and help uphold the ideals of the Light. In order to complete the proper rituals, I gave them many of the Blessed Runes.

The treants performed their duties well for a very long time. However, they were recently tainted by the spreading darkness. If you defeat these monsters, you should be able to find some fragments of the runes they were originally given.

Bring these fragments to me and I should be able to remove any darkness from them. From there I'll be able to combine them to create one Blessed Rune.


How goes the search for the rune fragments?


After I purify these fragments I'll be able to create one Blessed Rune. Then we can proceed with the rest of the preparations.


Experience: +400

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