The Curse of the Astral



Use the Clot of Dark Astral Energy at the Edge of Eternal Night to summon an Enraged Demon Mage, kill it, and return to Zosim Nikulin.


Now you shall prove to your patron that you are not only pure of soul, but also determined to fight the dark influence of the Astral - just as he did. Take this clot of dark Astral energy - it has been influenced by the holy powers of the runes that you brought me, and its power is beginning to fade.

At the Edge of Eternal Night there is a large Astral crystal on the far western part of the shore. There the energy of the Astral is very strong. Focus on your faith, and the demons will begin to sense that their power is being challenged. Then one of them will undoubtedly challenge you for committing such an act.

Your patron will also sense what you are doing, and will watch with approval as you battle their age-old enemy. Then you will strengthen the bond with your patron, so that you may continue your crusade against the evils the Astral holds.


I trust that you will not flee from this trial, but instead embrace the opportunity to fight against the demonic forces.


I had no doubt that you would succeed. As soon as I met you I could tell that you had a pure heart and an iron resolve. With your new level of patronage, you should be a formidable weapon against the demons.


Experience: +400

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