Kiddy Debt



Rob the Mafia's Transshipment Point to help the Kiddy Family pay off their debt to Yawp the Forester.


Who sent you? Yawp the Forester?

But we're no longer Prospectors! We met the Demon Hunters and right away we knew our true purpose in life! Providence has guided us beyond the Cordon. Yes, of course we still remember our debt to him... And this memory is a burden, for sure... Bill even has trouble sleeping over it. But what can we do? We weren't able to find anything of value, we simply wasted someone else's gold. We're very ashamed, yes, very ashamed...

Wipe those tears, Bill! Let's brainstorm!

Listen, what if we tell you that we saw some filthy goblins packing some very valuable artifacts in a crate to take to their transshipment point near Blackjack's Bid?

And that if you get that crate, there'll be enough gold both for you and us to settle our debt to Yaw?? Oh, please say yes! Pretty please!

What's Blackjack's Bid? Whoa, you really are new here. Blackjack is the main goblin, head of the entire mafia! And his headquarters is their camp. Now that's a place with more artifacts than there are stars in the sky...


We were sneaking by one night and saw the goblins packing away valuable artifacts. But who are we to attack the goblin warriors...


The crate! You got it! Take these artifacts, they will cover our debt. Hmm, there's also a strange doll in here... We've never seen one like it before. You can take it too. We're grownups now - we don't play with dolls anymore! Right, Bill? Bill? Bill, hand over that doll right this instant!


Experience: +3960

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