The Source of Pollution: Fangourne



Kill Fangourne and report your victory to Ziva the Nomadic.


It's time for you to face a real threat.

His name is Fangourne and he lives in the middle of the Shadowy Mire. He is a giant cursed treant, and to subdue him is to conquer the worst nature has to offer.

You should know one more thing. Legend has it that this treant is the reason that the allod has not been swallowed by the Astral. I don't believe it myself,

but if all that garbage is true then the allod will be destroyed when he dies.

If not, then I'll finally be proven right.


Did you manage to take the old treant down?


You killed Fangourne? Good job! I can see we're still here, so that means he wasn't fending off the Astral after all. And now you have conquered two enemies. The first one is Fangourne, and the second one is fear - the fear of the consequences of your actions.

Remember that lesson well - it is better to regret what has been done than what hasn't!


Experience: +250

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