Useful Hydras



Gather 5 pieces of Hydra Meat, 5 Hydra Hides, and 5 Hydra Fangs for Hyridion.


Asss you can see, our allod isssn't exactly rich with game. Fortunately, the local hydras meet mossst of our needs. Their meat is tasty, their ssskins are tough, and their teeth are sssharp - perfect for any weapon!

I'm in charge of sssupplying our entire community, but yesssterday a hydra injured my foot, ssso I'm not quite my regular mobile ssself. Could you help me out? I need five fangs, five hides, and five piecesss of meat.


We've tried domesticating the hydrasss, but to no avail. Too bad there's really no local wildlife assside from them...


Skinsss, fangsss, meat... Exactly what I ordered! I knew you were a fine hunter the moment I laid my eyesss on you! I'm a great hunter myssself, you know. I've even taken to training the youngsssters, but when the draconids came, I had to put it all on hold.


Experience: +2880

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