Smuggler's Receipts



Collect 5 Smuggler's Receipts and report to Pavel Bogdanov.


We're getting a real treat every night right now - fireworks! I bet you anything a new shipment of weapons has been delivered and everyone and their dog is sporting one. How can we find out what the deal is? Maybe the smugglers kept some receipts...

That's why I need someone with brawn or powerful spells. The smugglers need to be searched and there are plenty of them at the underground reservoir. Only thing is, a smuggler won't let you search him unless he's dead. Got it? Rumor has it that there were five crates full of weapons, so there should be just as many receipts. Bring them to me.


Let's hope the smugglers keep their receipts on them. Oh, you didn't know? They keep better accounting records than we do!


A heap of receipts - perfect! Okay, let's see who delivered what to whom and where. Hmm... looks like this stuff originates from the Hadron Quarter, of all places.


Experience: +1200

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