Aidenus' Revelation



Return to Aidenus in Novobgrad.


Let me ask you for a favor. When you return to Novobgrad, find Aidenus, the most influential and dangerous man in the League, and whisper the following words into his ear: "I'm the one who knows the Truth. Isn't it time for you to set off to the Isle of Revelation?"

Don't be afraid. You have done so many great deeds, I'm sure this little joke will pass unpunished.


You too...

You are not the one who reminds me of the fact that our world has changed...

I'm not going anywhere - I'm old and I've seen enough to believe your words. You are not the first one to come running here, believing you are a great messiah who just learned the Truth.

If I say I knew everything beforehand, it would be a lie. I didn't.

I've been guessing, making up elaborate theories, arguing with my teachers and students, thinking it over and over again.

And you just got everything on a platter. You know the truth about our world. This is a prison for a god suffering from schizophrenia. Or a theater stage for a barnstormer in need of audience?

What are you going to do with this knowledge? Huh? Have you thought about that?

I have. Here is my revelation to you. In the nearest future we will have to make the most difficult choice. Not between right and wrong - it would be easy. The choice between one wrong and another. As Junes did once. Were they mistaken? What would you do if you were them? Or... what will you do being yourself?


There is one hope for me in this story. The determination of the Great Dragons and the Wormfaces to defy Nihaz. It means there is something that gives them ground to believe in their victory. I wish I knew what it is.


Experience: +1960

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