Self-Support Mastery




Obtain 10 cutters and 10 mana batteries on the dump and bring them to Pin the Crafty in the Rebel Refuge.


When the troops are cut off from the supplies, they have a several options. We're not looking into the lie-down-and-croak scenario. Normally, one would force one's way to the friendlies, but that's not an option in our case. All we can do is: find ways to become self-supporting, preferably at the enemy's expense. That's what we're gonna do.
First, we need a tool. Second, we need power supply for that tool. We'll have to haul all that from the dump. That's what we call the isle beyond the Ship Graveyard: Tep knows about it, but it looks like a dump. There are rusty cripples - we call them garbage collectors - wandering around the place. These are armed with valuable cutters. That's our first priority. The job is simple: charge, knock out, take off the cutter. As a second priority, the dump has lots of damaged ship equipment where you can find a pile of batteries. Bringing ten pieces of each would be enough to reinforce our defenses!


This dump is actually a fount of useful stuff. I wish I could carry it all at once.


Perfect. Attach one to the other, and you're set. You can shred iron... or cultists. Self-support in action, heh!


Experience: +9765

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