Stolen Traveling Bag



Kill the Cultist Tyrant, take the traveling bag and bring it back to Fleur de Ardeur.


Does the Resistance truly exist? The captives were whispering about it, but I wouldn't dare believe it. If it all consists of heroes like you, Tep has no chance! Come on, show me the way to the Refuge fast!
But no, wait! I'm a doctor, you see, and I believe my knowledge can be of use to the Resistance. But those brutes took my instruments, and I'm no good without them! Do me a favor, bring back my traveling bag. I saw it taken by that cultist, the tyrant, supervisor of the prison wardens, the most cruel one. Go kick his filthy ass!


I hope he didn't lay his filthy hands on my instruments!


Thank you! Well, well... Looks like everything is in place... Oh no! My favorite scalpel is gone! Oh, it could be a dangerous weapon in a prentice hand... So we must be careful.
You say, the Refuge is over there, at the southern part of the allod. Well, I think I will be able to find my way there. Thank you!


Experience: +3465

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