Spotty Charity



Obtain 10 Leopard Claws and 6 Leopard Skins and bring them to Ulumi Half-Wing in the Muggy Jungle.


There was a time when I was strong and brave. But now I'm a cripple and I'm stupid, cough, cough... All I can do is to collect berries and nuts, catch mice and dig roots. I can also make a cape, but I have no material. Help an old man, bring me leopard skins and claws. I'll make a good cape, and trade it for wine and meat... Kha-kharrr...


I can't even hunt anymore. Clearly, I will die soon. A preacher came to me, he promised eternal life and Light... Kharr... What kind of life is that, especially if eternal...


I thank you, wingless one, you helped an old man. Maybe someone will give me some hot food for this cape. Kharr! I'm so sick of the roots' taste...


Experience: +4725

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